I am just eavesdropping for what might the future hold for us. Are you proud to be a son or daughter of this great land that shouldn’t be second to none? A race that is known as "LIONS" a race that bears the flag of a "LION" and a "SWORD", a race that should rule the world with wit and intellect. But alas we are shattered and demeaned by our own brothers and sisters, by a war that has lasted for more than three decades, by the power struggle amongst political parties, by the wealthy and powerful. The country is in a state of irreversible decline my friends.
What has happened to a country that was once self sufficient, a country that was known as the pearl of the Indian Ocean. Where are we now? Where is the culture that we boasted about? Are we trying to compete with the western countries or are we following them to define our own future based on them. Three questions that need to be answered my friends.
-Is the country cursed?
-Or are we cursed?
-Or are we cursing the country?
What did you do today to make the country a better place my dear friend. Do you love your country or do you curse her daily. Do you curse her for not giving you the standards of living that Europeans offer or Americans offer or are you cursing her for not giving you the jobs and education levels that the Europeans and Americans offer. Or do you curse her for not empowering you with the technology that Japanese boast about.
Did you make an honest effort to stop this? Do you follow the road rules? Have you stopped spitting and littering on the roads? What have you and I done from our side to make a country a better place. Maybe you and I are not economists, politicians or diplomats to take high level decisions or make policy changes. We belong to the young generation of this country, a young generation that should have a vision to change the country, may be not through the rhetoric skills that lawyers and politicians have, maybe not through the social status that diplomats have but through courage, will, dedication, passion and motivation that Sri Lankan youths should have and should develop. Believe in your self, your will and your strengths develop it use it not for your own self satisfaction or personal gain but for the country for your mother land for Sri Lanka. Make her proud amongst all other nations make her a beacon that could light up the whole world.
Today is never too late to start a new revolution. It will begun a nation will rise above all others; keep your eyes open and your armor equipped my friends. Country is calling you...