Its strange how things can change... Eight months of constant change I must say... A change of jobs... A change of feelings... A change of attitudes and most importantly a change in me... They say that change is a good thing, so I wonder if I did a good thing by taking a break, ironically not only from blogging, but from many things in life...
Wonder what suddenly made me to write a blog entry, apart from my excuse of a so called ‘break’. Is it ‘YOU’ or is it ‘ME’… Well as long as ‘YOU’ is referred to the ‘READER’ and ‘ME’ is referred to ‘DHANUSHKA’ things are on an even balance I guess. But when this balance falls off... Well let me not comment on it...
I think I’m learning to be a part of the change or am I the change when all the other things are same around me... Well whatever said and done there have been constant change I must say from many sides. If change is a good thing then what must I say about having a vision in life, isn’t it a good thing to have a vision. Well as far as I know vision should not change constantly. If so then what about change? Change or Vision... I think I’m confused after eight months... A reawakening with a confusion, that’s what it has been... Better be silent now... Till the next confusing blog entry... Adios amigos!!!