So let me get back to the topic…. Blog a rather interesting word I guess, but it sounds rather boggy to me and I wonder who invented this word. Well searching the web I managed to find a rather technical and stereotype meaning which articulates the following definition. “Blog is short for weblog. A weblog is a journal (or newsletter) that is frequently updated and intended for general public consumption. Blogs generally represent the personality of the author or the Web site.”
The interesting phrase for me is “represent the personality” And for me this is the most vital factor in a blog. I do not necessarily believe in updating the blog frequently. But yeah if one can do that its great. And I personally I prefer blogs with a personal touch to it. It gives that special Kottu flavor to it. Trust me it lets you to see the world from another person’s point of view. Pretty intoxicating and interesting experience I believe and baffling and mesmerizing as well… I’ve been trying to adopt this personalized feature to my blog as well. Well readers can leave their comments to evaluate my success. I think I have improved from the essays that I wrote in school about myself and my hobbies…
I am still learning the art of blogging and in my primary stages, but it sure does yield high levels of mental satisfaction for me and I think it’s the same with most bloggers. And the more you become personal the more interesting the blog becomes. Its like peeping into to a diary of a stranger, or its like been an infant and learning from your parents or sharing experiences of your peers. It’s an awesome feeling. As I believe it just blogs you away. And you get entangled in a blogging dream. How weird is that.
So my dear bloggers lets keep the culture alive and let us be the open source in this sphere called BLOG or rather WEBBLOG as the web defines it. Well on a second note the vital ingredients that flavor our very own Kottu.