Well my friends dreams are of two kinds well at least in there subtle grammatical sense, the dreams that we envision when we go to sleep and the dreams that we truly want to achieve in life. And for readers sake I’m talking about the second type.
I am convinced we all dream for a reason, either good or bad. But are we addicted to them? Are they driving us? Are they making us go insane? Probably the reader might wonder that why I write about such extremes. A reason is there my friends. It’s the ignorance to the fact of addiction that a dream can cause.
Addiction… another formation of a dream… or rather endeavouring to make dreams a reality. As the title evidently articulates this is WE FOLLOWING DREAMS. Rather weird isn’t it? Who will think that we can get addicted to dreams? All what we so passionately desire and eager to achieve in life can lead to our own doom one day. Addiction is such my friends. It will and it can lead you to most unbearable and undesirable consequences in life. Just ponder a minute are we slaves of our dreams and do we follow them blindly. Dream for a cause dream for a deed but never follow them blindly. Life is a reality and not a dream… its there to be touched and felt not to vision and imagined. As I see dreams are only a part of life and not the life itself.
So let you and I be the leaders and flag bearers in our lives and be the master of policy. Dream for a cause dream for a deed dream for a vision but never be a follower of dreams but be the leader of dreams and let the dreams follow you and be your disciple. Because at the end it’s the leaders who succeed and not the followers. So my friends always follow the rule of leading your dreams and not rule of following them.
Leaders would always be remembered and honoured but followers would be demeaned and get lost amongst the rest. So always and in all ways be a leader and not merely a follower.
Impossible is nothing!Be realistic!
Only as high as u reach u can grow
Only as far as u seek u can go
Only as deep as you look u can see
Only as much as u dream u can be...
thats one of my favourite quotes.
dont let your feelings but ur brain deside wat u want... and remeber leaders adore others dreams as well but they never let dreams make them blind...
again they always is an example for others they have so many qualities which they develop to be good leaders!
so my dear dont be blind... if u want to make ur dreams come true act towards it... today itself... now... not tomorrow, cz it might be late!
finally I will write down a sms I got...it has a deep idea in it..
Life ends when u stop dreaming,Hope is lost when you stop Believeing ,& Love fails when you stop caring;So dream Believe and Care "Life is Beautiful"
when some people follow their dreams they forget who really they are....
yes Dhanushka you too has let ur dreams blind u... u are adicted to ur dream and u dont think anyting but how to make ur dream come true... i will not ask u to do anything cz its ur life but dear if u cant follow what u have written what is the use of writing???
Leaders would always be remembered and honoured but followers would be demeaned and get lost amongst the rest. So always and in all ways be a leader and not merely a follower.
if u mean "As I see dreams are only a part of life and not the life itself."just dont mix up ur life and dreams!!!
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